We love exploring the world through data. Our goal is to help tell engaging stories that ignite interest in data.


Our team has compiled a list of resources to help you bring data stories to life.


The 10 Most Useful Google Sheets Functions

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing data. Whether you're adding numbers, working with text, or searching for information, these built-in functions can save time and effort. Here are ten of the most useful Google Sheets functions.

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Datasets Andrew Dang Datasets Andrew Dang

Getting started with Pandas library

Pandas is a powerful Python library that is commonly used by data scientists and data analysts to explore, clean, and process their data. Here are five common methods that you can expect to use when working with Pandas. 

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Improving your workflow with ImportHTML

We spend a lot of time working in Google Sheets and we are pleasantly surprised when we learn something new that improves our workflow. It’s pretty unbelievable that we hadn’t come across this before. One thing we recently discovered is the ImportHTML function.

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Datasets Henry Dang Datasets Henry Dang

Data science reading list

Books on data science, data analytics, and data visualization are indispensable companions for anyone looking to harness the power of data to make informed decisions in an increasingly data-driven world.

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